COVIC-TORIA: Australia’s Second COVID-19 Wave is the Outbreak We Had to Have
As Australia experiences a second wave of COVID-19, we need to learn from our failings so we do not repeat them.
‘Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.’
George Santayana
In 1990, then Treasurer Paul Keating famously described the 1990s recession as “the recession we had to have”.
Over the years, he has been both lauded and criticised for this statement about an event as economically and socially damaging as a recession.
Well, here we are in the greatest challenge of our time, managing a health and economic crisis, and his words echo once more as we face the second wave of COVID-19 we had to have.
The Second Wave We Had to Have
Australia thought it was doing OK in tackling this pandemic, and relatively speaking on a global level it still is.
As of the end of July, our COVID-19 stats are:
· 4,164, 454 tests
· 16, 904 confirmed cases
· 6434 active cases
· 196 (known) deaths
With a population just shy of 25m, that equates to a:
· 6.6% infection rate
· 1.1% death rate (of total infections) or 0.000007% of the population
Jump onto worldometer and you’ll see how this compares to other countries — I won’t single any country out but the figures ain’t pretty (here’s looking at you America) and Oz is doing OK.
A month ago, Victoria experienced a second outbreak, leading to the reimposing of stage 3 lockdown and the mandatory wearing of masks.
Why Did Australia “Need” This Second Wave?
Let me be clear, by saying we needed a second wave, I don’t mean we needed to see more people sick with COVID-19. And I definitely do not mean we needed to see an uptick in deaths, especially as COVID-19 tears through our aged-care sector ending the lives of much-loved seniors who are mothers, fathers and grandparents.
No, we didn’t need that.
None of that.
It’s truly heartbreaking.
But, so very sadly, there remains a small group of people in Victoria who have continuously flouted health advice and regulations, leading to this second wave. There are still those who think they are the exception to the rule and so have self-indulged by living life as it suits them with no concern for how this might affect the community.
And there is that tiny little knot of — let’s call them what they are — fools who peddle lies and conspiracy theories to undermine any concerted effort to manage the pandemic.
However, this second wave also has a twisted silver lining.
Here’s why.
1. Issues with Aged Care Regulation in Australia Exposed
A largely privately run (for profit) aged care sector has exploded with issues that must be addressed by the Federal government, which is effectively entirely responsible for regulation of this sector.
A recent Royal Commission exposed a raft of disgusting abuse in aged care — COVID-19 has exposed incredible structural issues that have been part of the reason why we are seeing the pandemic ripping through the sector.
Lesson? Making money from vulnerable people only makes them more vulnerable.
2. We Can Respond
The Andrews government has been the soft target for the blame game over this second wave. There have been definite failings on its behalf, notably around the hotel quarantine system, but that’s only half the story. Ultimately, it was the actions of some selfish individuals that have caused this outbreak. Despite this, the government has gone into overdrive to reign the second outbreak in. Halfway through this new lockdown, we look to be peaking in terms of infections but it’s still too soon to know. With many adhering to the new lockdown requirements, it shows that the majority, even as fatigued as we are with COVID-life, will do the right thing when called upon.
Lesson? A stricter lockdown is necessary and we have to ride it out, together, to get ourselves to a place where Victoria can join the rest of Australia again and not be a pariah.
3. Other States on Notice
This outbreak in Victoria, which, despite border restrictions, is now leaking a little into NSW and Queensland, has put other states on high alert to manage their own mini outbreaks. Essentially, it’s a stark reminder that no matter how close we get to elimination or suppression, the virus lurks amongst us and governments must remain ready to tackle it when it strikes again. And, it will.
4. This Must be a Concerted Effort
We cannot beat COVID-19 if individuals make choices out of lockstep with the majority of the community. This might sound too totalitarian for lovers of democracy and freedom of the individual. But the reality is, as we have seen in Victoria, it only takes a few to “act up” and BANG we are in trouble again.
Lesson? A concerted national effort around the basics of mask wearing and social distancing rules must be embarked upon. Immediately.
We live in difficult times. These times will get better. But only if we heed the lessons of this second wave of COVID-19 that we had to have.